A Tribute to Manila (2024 June) - Yeon Jae K.
Hello, I am one of the students who were selected to go on a study tour to Manila, Philippines, this June. I first want to say kind regards to all of the people who made this trip possible; from the sponsors who gave a generous donation so that the trip was affordable for students with normal families like us, to the people who planned out, reserved, and registered this amazing trip so there won't be any schedule conflicts. I also want to say a deep thank you to all the chaperones (Ms. Liz Shiraki (Farrington High School), Ms. Cheyenne Prater (PAAC), and Ms. Carol Li (PAAC)) who took care of us the entire trip, especially to Cheyenne and Carol who had to come right away from Japan. Lastly, kind remarks to my amazing peers who made this trip so much better than it already was. This Manila trip was definitely an eye-awakening opportunity for me, and a great experience to make connections and learn about different cultures, perspectives, international confli...